In the Play Store you find the most actual and offical version of the above mentioned app. On no other location on the web the app Logo Practice Trainer is launched by me in person. Since 2018 there is also a Pro Version on the Play Store. This App, called Speech Therapy Trainer, offers always the latest Features and you can actively support the futher development.
Logo practice timer accustically and visually indicates the timing for the speech therapy excersises followed by the relaxing phase for the muscles inbetween. Your child can therefore focus on the correctness of the exercises. It doesn’t have to count the number of practice cycles anymore, which would consume the majority of concentration in that age.
The simple design makes the usage of the app possible even for the child itself also the child should of cause be supervised at any times. Your child can practice everywhere due to the built-in camera function (and not only in front of a mirror). Steady control is important to succeed in a timely manner.
The camera is disabled by default leaving you the full control over the practice routine. If you notice a disturbing behaviour or having ideas for improvements of logo practice timer, please feel free to email and I try to improve.
Disclaimer: Every kind of warranty for damages during or through the use of the mentioned app is excluded. The use is at your own risk.